There's an old axiom," Mr. Beckman said, "that when you're running out of solid evidence, you replace it with increasingly harsh and hyperbolic language.
Journalese is the artificial or hyperbolic, and sometimes over-abbreviated, language regarded as characteristic of the popular media.
In the hyperbolic language that has infested the debate, researchers have been accused of everything from ditching the scientific method to participating in a vast conspiracy.
The president has over the years been known to use erratic, sometimes hyperbolic language in reference to his Western allies.
Crowds might be as large as 15,000 at a time, virtually necessitating the sustained volume, hyperbolic language, and extravagant gestures that became stereotypical characteristics of period evangelists.
This heady comedy is a fountain of language - alliterative, assonant, hyperbolic and onomatopoetic.
In terms of style, Ohlmark's prose is hyperbolic and laden with poetic archaisms even where the original uses simple or even laconic language.
False statements of fact couched in an opinion context are actionable unless clearly set aside by "loose, figurative or hyperbolic language."
It also means learning how to create a character and tell a story in the hyperbolic physical language of the ring.
It's very well saying that we are using hyperbolic language but the site is truly awful.