On a simple suspension bridge, the main cables (or chains) follow a hyperbolic curve, the catenary.
"Three gilt stars placed along a hyperbolic curve."
"It's like a hyperbolic curve," he said.
Also, the late portion of a negative control function is reminiscent of a hyperbolic curve.
If all of these possible locations are plotted, they form a hyperbolic curve centred on the baseline.
There are two simple derivations of the equation that are commonly used to generate the hyperbolic curve.
A parabolic or hyperbolic curve will not rejoin itself, but may curve back relative to the X-axis.
By determining the intersection of the two hyperbolic curves identified by this method, a geographic fix can be determined.
When these possible locations are plotted, they form a hyperbolic curve.
When plotted on a chart, the collection of possible locations for any given time difference forms a hyperbolic curve.