On the other hand, there may be logistic or hygienic reasons to use a bag only once.
For hygienic reasons large sums of money have to be spent every year to clean up after the animals.
Dennis Mkhonta, 44, a married government meteorologist, said he wanted to be circumcised for hygienic reasons.
For hygienic reasons, only the tradition of burying the bishops in their episcopal church has been preserved.
Some workers wear aprons for hygienic reasons (for example restaurant workers).
Industrial linens are treated in steamers for several hours for hygienic reasons.
The traditional plates are disappearing in some places for hygienic reasons.
It may be worn for hygienic reasons as well as in order to protect clothes from wear and tear.
I was, however, embarrassed to learn that people usually refrain from folding paper napkins for hygienic reasons.
More so, the floor is considered to be impure not due to hygienic reasons, but because the "roosters" touch the floor when they walk.