Islamic hygienic practices mainly fall into the category of personal cleanliness and health.
"We were simply discussing hygienic practices aboard Eclipse."
When no symptoms are present, the infected individual is still a carrier, able to spread the parasite to others through poor hygienic practices.
The disease may be easily prevented by standard hygienic practices, such as washing and combing of the hair.
The quality of fish and fish products depends on safe and hygienic practices.
But according to a new study, few zoos consistently enforce hygienic practices that would keep these germs from spreading to humans.
Poor personal hygiene being common, the role of nasal S. aureus carrier may differ from communities with good hygienic practices.
"I would say that would be a common and hygienic practice."
Throughout this time, one must adhere to strict hygienic practices and avoid touching the hole or the jewelry except to clean them.