Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness.
However, it isn't always possible to completely prevent pimples, even with good hygiene practices.
Skin cleaning myths often scare people into poor hygiene practices.
Culinary hygiene practices specify safe ways to handle, store, prepare, serve and eat food.
Infection should be prevented with good hygiene practices, and treated if necessary.
Regular performance of good hygiene practices helps to promote healthy skin, teeth and hair.
If usual hygiene practices are not considered to be adequate then the nurse may need to explain tactfully what is required.
His normal hygiene practices were established by the nurse who talked to him first and he was encouraged to continue with these.
We cannot teach good hygiene practices if people still need to bathe and drink from the same contaminated water supply.
If your child is in day care, make sure good hygiene practices are followed.