Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden is a collection of rare and unusual roses, mostly hybrid teas, bred in the early 20th century.
One observation about these fragrant medal winners is that all of the prize roses except one, Sunsprite, are hybrid teas.
I had never tried to grow hybrid teas myself.
Kimy has a tiny but well-ordered rose garden, all hybrid teas as far as I can tell.
Fitzhardinge's roses were hybrid teas.
Mister Lincoln is a large flowered (hybrid tea) bush rose introduced in 1964.
But hybrid teas are fussy.
His genetic theory was to cross hybrid teas and miniatures, thus better improving the form than hybridisers who used polyanthas.
Not all roses have grafts, but most hybrid teas, grandifloras, standard (tree form), and some miniatures are grafted.
If you love hybrid teas, replace the diseased ones with varieties that are resistant to black spot and mildew - which may mean ordering by mail.