However, the Maya, as a people with a hybrid culture, had differing views on homosexual sodomy.
This policy can be interpreted as an attempt to spread Greek culture, or to create a hybrid culture.
Bully Hill offers some vinifera wines now, but it is still firmly rooted in the hybrid culture.
He drew attention to the hybrid culture of Chicano writers by focusing on their hybrid use of language.
However, much of Chinese cultural life here has blended with local Mexican and American traditions to create a unique, hybrid culture.
We wanted them to know that there were other people out there who shared the experience of having a hybrid culture.
Perhaps the Famao show us what the mestizos of such a world might have looked liked, the children of a hybrid culture that was never born.
But modern Catholics have created a hybrid culture that trumps it.
"All of us wanted to demonstrate the tremendous impact black artists have had on America's hybrid culture," she said.
They also fashion a hybrid culture that is neither modern nor traditional.