The pews were already half full, and the hushed sounds of whispering and people fidgeting and settling came diffusely from all directions.
It made a hushed sucking sound he could hear from where he stood at the railing.
Her voice had a hushed withdrawn sound.
A hushed sound of awe swept about the stadium as those on the sand below fell senseless, to roll about in a daze.
Softly, how softly, the wavelets were lapping-they made a hushed, soothing sound, like a lullaby.
It was quiet, with only the hushed sound of traffic and the familiar hum of Nick's alarm clock to break the stillness.
Ping's voice had a hushed sound in the midst of that strange scene, where even the downward-turned gleam of the lantern was forced to penetrate a murky haze.
It was the hushed sound of her name on his lips that sent her sailing into the abyss of no return.
He thought he could hear despairing wails, pleas for help, panicked cries, anguished groans-a monumental yet hushed sound, as though it was echoing across a vast gulf or rising out of a black abyss.
"Acoustic baffling" are her first words in response to the hushed sounds from surrounding tables.