The husband could receive the services and supports he needs in his own home.
My husband supported me, and I went through years of therapy.
But I have a younger sister and stepfather whom my husband has been supporting since our marriage began.
My husband will support whatever decision I make.
But tugging at her is a thought that she said her husband might not have supported.
The strange thing is that her husband, like many servicemen and women answering their country's call, did not support the Iraq war.
She said her husband, Jerry, who died last fall, had not always supported the party's candidates for judge when he was a delegate.
But her husband supported her, as did the district prosecutor, who opened an investigation in January.
Her husband supported her and their two children with his income as a security guard, but the marriage began to sour.
While she had been studying, her husband had supported the family on an income of $24,000 per year.