Her husband, a lawyer, would kick her and pull her hair, sometimes in front of his parents.
My husband pulled into the oncoming lane and stepped on the gas.
Then her husband pulled at her gown, and she ran out, but laughing still.
The husband pulled a machine pistol from the plastic bag he'd held.
Marjorie came downstairs fifteen minutes or so after her husband had pulled on his boots in the mudroom and tromped out to the barn.
As she straightened up, her husband caught her hand and pulled her down to sit on the bed beside him.
But she said that the smoke was too thick to see and that her husband pulled her back into the apartment.
The Chairman dropped down to her side even before her husband did, and pulled her head into his shoulder.
Her husband came to her side and pulled on a pair of plastic gloves.
He knocked on the door and when the woman opened it, her husband pulled a gun out of his pants pocket and shot her dead.