Her husband, only mildly irritated at the loss of space for the family cars, could hardly complain.
A husband complained so much about his wife that she suggested that he stay home and do her work.
"My husband complained that I snored and gasped for air."
The woman's former husband had complained to the court that a man was staying overnight several times a week while the children were there.
My husband has had this chronic disease for more than 35 years and complains often about the lack of quality care in the United States.
Now, she says, "I don't wait for the guys" during group road rides, and her husband sometimes complains.
"We used to use fox scent," she said, "but it got all over everything, and the husbands complained."
"My husband complained that there was no guide to model types, features and price ranges on the appliances available," she said.
No one ever heard my husband complain of work.
Her husband only complains about his day and doesn't help 3.