Ms. Ripley and her husband, David, 37, collect about $100 a month in food stamps.
Both she and her husband collected many books.
So, for example, if a husband collects $600 a month, his wife gets $300 at age 65.
"My husband could have collected unemployment, but we wanted to trust in God."
The husband might pull out a chair or collect the jackets, the wife might suggest one of the specials.
Mrs Shottery's husband had collected everything, and china figures in particular.
Mrs. Nevith said she had helped her husband deliver newspapers and collect payments this morning.
"I lean toward armorial because my husband, Horace, collected it," she said.
Caro had taken to joining him there after church while her husband collected cakes from Poitou's.
She and her husband collected recipes when they lived in Germany, from 1970 to 1982, while he worked for a technical-information services company.