When the boatman hurriedly set the ship to sea, the woman came chasing and bit into the hull of the ship.
The young man stared at him, stammered something, and then hurriedly set about doing just that.
Sebastian set off again hurriedly, with his retinue straggling along behind him in a state of deep depression.
Places were being set hurriedly by the waiters.
He craned to see the source-two cooks hurriedly setting planks on a couple of barrels.
Hurriedly setting the last beer mug down, Tika left the elves, blinking her eyes rapidly.
Grabbing a loose wedge of metal, Tom hurriedly set about prying the doors, which were uncomfortably warm to the touch, open.
Fortunately the third agreed with the second and he hurriedly set the quadrant at zero again and took a fourth.
Jack hurriedly set the altering Talisman down in his mother's hands.
Nigatsu hurriedly set a cushion on the veranda and fled for the sake, as much as she would have liked to stay.