As she came up to him he hurriedly pulled on his shirt again, and the water soaked through it in darker patches.
Simon headed for the door, Ray hurriedly pulling on his jeans to follow.
He pulled on some clothes hurriedly and went down to the parking lot to greet the carpenter.
He hurriedly pulled the girl's unconscious body after him.
Simon sat up and hurriedly pulled his boots on.
She pulled hurriedly at the handle of the hoarse old bell, and the gate soon opened.
Wren started to rise, but Garth hurriedly pulled her back.
After another quick check out the window, he hurriedly pulled the two chairs and table out of the kitchen.
The farmer's wife went into the next room and he hurriedly pulled on the dry clothes she had brought him.
Bork released the driver, who hurriedly pulled his clothing together.