At Cugel's approach, all stopped to stare, and not a few hurriedly crossed the street.
Then hurriedly crossed the street to stand under the gas station's lights, and stared at my hands.
He hurriedly crossed the room to examine the body.
With his three-man unit, he moved on several hundred yards, then hurriedly crossed the road.
Pitt threw back the chair and hurriedly crossed the room to a small double window.
He let go of the door and hurriedly crossed the bedroom, feeling his way between pieces of furniture.
Brianna hurriedly crossed the room and opened the door.
Then he crossed hurriedly to the sleepers and shook them.
Turning, she hurriedly crossed toward the ladder that led down to the docking bay.
The man hurriedly crossed to the other side of the street and got in a taxi which then drove away.