When there's a good snowstorm, I'm everybody's buddy, and when there's a hurricane threat, everybody loves me.
Short Term Watches and Warnings - These warnings provide detailed information about specific hurricane threats, such as flash floods and tornadoes.
With the possibility of the western track, the storm was remarked as being the first serious hurricane threat for southern Florida since Hurricane Gladys in 1968.
During hurricane threats, a water-tight door is bolted into the frame of the door to the pristine sample vault in order to protect the samples.
It's too early to say if repeated hurricane threats will change the dynamics of Florida real estate, in which beachfront property has always been the holy grail.
The key to responding to hurricane threats is to have these plans in place in advance, they said.
He began banging the drum about the hurricane threat in 1994.
The final competition was forced to be held early because of the hurricane threat, and the contestants were then bussed further inland.
A few other people, too, are putting up houses, undeterred by the hurricane threat.
Another concern, he said, was evacuating the islands in the event of a hurricane threat, particularly since parts of Route 47 are susceptible to flooding.