Some 40,000 refugees from Hurricane Katrina settled in before the later bus loads of hurricane refugees were directed to other cities in Texas.
More than 220,000 hurricane refugees are already in Texas and thousands more are coming.
The Houston Astrodome, the shelter used for hurricane refugees, is located within the HISD boundaries.
As the hurricane refugees moved out they left behind some people who decided to make their quarters permanent and bought their FEMA trailers for an average of $1,100 each.
In 1915, he again cared for 50 hurricane refugees who took shelter in the tower.
These are the very entitlement programs most needed by the sudden underclass of hundreds of thousands of hurricane refugees cast adrift like Dustbowl Okies.
Mrs. Bush handed out clothing to hurricane refugees at a community center.
The entire Reliant Park complex was scheduled to be emptied of hurricane refugees by September 17, 2005.
After Hurricane Katrina struck in the fall of that year Douglass temporarily reopened to accommodate hurricane refugees.
Mattel announced it would send $100,000 to the Red Cross - plus thousands of toys to hurricane refugees in temporary shelters.