An announcement that hurricane conditions (sustained winds of 74 mph or higher) are possible within the specified coastal area.
A hurricane watch issued for your area lets you know that you could experience hurricane conditions within 36 hours.
A subsequent bulletin indicated the possibility for hurricane conditions, although as the storm continued further to the northwest, the threat diminished.
Six hours later, the watch was upgraded to a warning as hurricane conditions were expected to impact the islands within 24 hours.
Despite its flexibility, the compliant tower system is strong enough to withstand hurricane conditions.
The next day, that advisory was upgraded to a hurricane warning, as hurricane conditions had become more imminent.
On a perfectly clear day, an amateur news reporter gets real bystanders to re-enact hurricane conditions.
As the museum photo indicates, the building was constructed to withstand the hurricane conditions that the town is subjected to periodically.
The storm brought hurricane conditions to south Florida but damage was largely restricted to downed trees and telegraph poles.
After six days at sea, two of them in hurricane conditions, the group disembarked in Liverpool.