From far ahead came the barely discernible yowls of the hunting beasts.
They were lean and graceful, obviously descended from hunting beasts.
A short distance ahead of them, in the direction toward which they were riding, a hunting beast stalked its prey.
They waited, and in a moment or two the guard came back leading one of the black hunting beasts on a chain.
The Pack raced out in front of them, their minds linking together into one great hunting beast.
Evidently I was to be attacked in force by a pair of hunting beasts or men.
The smell will give you away if there's any trained hunting beasts in the area.
Only there the hunting beasts had a wingspan of thirty feet and jaws that could bite through a man.
He'd realized that the Merkaan, unable to keep up with his hunting beasts, would have to rest sometimes.
All that he could sense was the vague, nagging vibration of the hunting beast's sonar.