A halsband is a collar used to launch a hunting hawk on an attack.
His profile was very much that of the hunting hawk, all dangerous, steely concentration.
The hunting hawk is the pulse of the world.
His eyes were keen and alert, sweeping over the little room with the cool, searching gaze of a hunting hawk.
Dardo shows off his skill as an archer by shooting down Ulrich's expensive hunting hawk.
The hares of the long patrol were up and gone with a turn of speed that would have left a hunting hawk flabbergasted.
Staniel gave her the kind of look a child would give a hunting hawk.
The sky was a deep blue, and high above them a hunting hawk circled.
His meek little dove turned out to have the talons of a hunting hawk.
It is similar to a hunting hawk, which must constantly reconsider the best trajectory in which to strike effectively.