Sigi and Breði hunted throughout the day until evening, when they compared their kills.
We hunted the ridges until dark but never saw them again nor did Karl find them the next day when we sent him there.
"I hunted bear in 1981 and then off and on until 1989," he said.
He hunted consistently until his last years, in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.
The Iroquois also hunted there until 1768.
They hunted until 11:00 p.m. to no avail.
The Siouan and Tuscarora Indians hunted the area until European settlers arrived in the mid-18th century.
At a mealtime, an elder tells David of how it all began; Their ancestors moved into the area and hunted the white rhino until extinction.
It was those troops who hunted us until that night.
The U-boat submerged and Patriot hunted the submarine until noon, when it loosed two depth charges that brought thick brown oil to the surface.