On one such trip at the age of nine he successfully hunted a deer which greatly amused Qianlong.
With the support and guidance of the United States government and the International Whaling Commission, the Makah successfully hunted a gray whale on May 17, 1999.
She not only had dried meat left over, but when Baby hunted alone successfully - which was more often the case than not - she didn't hesitate to take a share of his kill.
Firstly, the Amazonian belief that the characteristics of one entity or object may pass to another [ 19 ] , could explain the use of a wasp that hunts successfully in baths or decoctions to make dogs better hunters.
With the growing threat of Fascism and Nazism, Bystrolyotov successfully hunted for Italian and German military secrets.
An Eastern Screech Owl will tend to frequent areas in its home range where it hunted successfully on previous nights.
Mara successfully hunts and feasts.
The adults then hunted successfully and fed the young.