But it was a very unlucky thing for you, that same; for if any wreck had come ashore they would have hunted high and low, and would soon have found ye.
"Having hunted high and low and never found a major asset class that went through a paradigm shift, I think oil is it."
Along a watery boulevard, Shiwan Khan was escaping openly, carrying more than sixty missing persons for whom the law had hunted high and wide!
Let them sleep much-needed sleep now, rest as best they can in peace, while the author of this rhizomatic tale hunts randomly high and low among sundry other losses, his own included, for their missing key.
They hunted high and low, from attic to cellar, in gun- room, scullery, and pantry, even climbing up the ladder from the box- room to the roof, but without result.
Denno had hunted high and low for those earring wires-or seemed to hunt high and low for them.
I have hunted high and low for your figure of 6 million birds killed annualy by Spanish windfarms and cannot find anything remotely approaching your claim.
You know that I hunted high and low.
Xinhua started using it about a year ago and I hunted high and low to try and get the applet !