I have hunted ducks from northern India to the Manitoba prairies.
They could fish for cod, mackerel, salmon, lobster, and they hunted geese and ducks and even chicken hawks.
After market gunning ended, there was a long period during which very few other than those who hunted ducks and geese for sport were interested in decoys.
Haven't you ever hunted ducks?
Lately, he has also hunted ducks annually near Stuttgart, Ark.
I told you I hunted ducks and pheasant and you asked me to go coon hunting sometime.
He hunted ducks a bit, tried golf and was not much on skis.
They hunted deer, black bears, rabbits, and ducks.
They hunted ducks, sage grouse, prairie dogs, rabbits, ground squirrels, deer, and other big game.
Hunts ducks and quail.