This is a considerable sum, but the struggling mother would not be without her hungry family.
Within a few years, it is exhausted, forcing hungry families to renew their attack on the forest.
The money will help buy food and medical supplies for hungry families in Russia.
But this was on a different scale: to send a monthly box of groceries to a hungry family halfway across the country, indefinitely.
Cake wasn't just a good way to fill a hungry family; it was an outlet for the frustrated creativity of the female race.
Poor hungry family, to puncture those flatulent fish and find them more air than meat.
Arthur wondered if she had some definition of the word poor that didn't include her and her huge hungry family.
She was thinking about the shaggy-haired man and his hungry family.
The crucial ingredient of a perfect borscht is a large, hungry family, surviving together.
It's a job, and they need a few dollars to feed their own hungry families.