The old woman was doing a thriving business with the hungry and thirsty crowds along the waterfront.
With 244 square inches of cooking surface, you can barbecue for a hungry crowd without taking up much space on your patio or deck.
She moved past the hungry crowds down the corridor to the nursery.
Within seconds the grill was surrounded by a hungry crowd.
We've got plenty of easy recipes and delicious ideas for how to feed a hungry crowd.
When she saw him with his students, she was reminded of a politician working a crowd, hungry for approval.
The Yukon packs more than enough power to cook for the hungriest crowd.
Also, for a truly hungry crowd, consider adding cold grilled chicken to the salad.
For obvious reasons, I lost weight - more, even, than the rest of us, and we're a hungry crowd these days.
But not every home needs one to entertain a hungry crowd.