A common humorous title for this role in some modern kitchens is "chef de plonge" or "head dishwasher".
In addition to newsprint, Clarkson has written books about cars and several other humorous titles.
Addressing one another with humorous titles, the members carry on all conversation in German.
The names were chosen on the theory that their powers would be more difficult to abuse given such humorous and unlikely titles.
In the 1960s Stanley created a number of humorous titles for Dell Comics.
The book has received some media attention for its unusual, humorous title, based on something Lange's mother once said.
The humorous titles are in the style of old fashioned murder-mystery radio shows, television sitcoms, or other scripted series.
The column had a different humorous title in every issue, selected from reader submissions.
Each has a humorous title that has some connection to the topic of the corresponding question.
A contemporary reviewer said that of the film's 5,000 foot length, 1,000 feet was dedicated to humorous titles.