A humorous 30-second spot it is producing for the Emerald brand of snack nuts sold by Diamond Foods will run in the third quarter.
The humorous 30-second spot, which ran last year only in local markets, was acclaimed for its surprise ending.
The humorous spots make the most of the rivalry between the residents of Northern and Southern California.
The humorous spot spoofed body piercing.
There are also humorous spots carrying the line "Dropouts make 42 percent less money than graduates" to emphasize the economic toll taken by young people who quit school.
Through humorous spots like the fast-talking man for Federal Express; "Where's the beef?"
Lastminutetravel.com, which ran a humorous spot by Burkhardt & Hillman immediately after the game ended, was pleased, too.
The humorous spots focus on what might happen when Coca-Cola is not available at important events like family portraits or graduation ceremonies.
It is certainly not a brand known for the humorous or extravagant spots that typically finish high on the Super Bowl hit parade.
The association will run a humorous spot in the fourth quarter that portrays the comedian Jon Lovitz as "the man who wrote the Yellow Pages."