Don't have a cow is a humorous cautionary phrase.
When menu items are clicked, humorous phrases are played.
The team members decide on a team name, often a supposedly humorous phrase or pun, which must be written on all papers handed in.
Comedian Judah Friedlander is known for his signature trucker hats, which depict various humorous phrases.
Contestants would have 10 seconds to unscramble the circled word, which would fit into a humorous phrase related to the caption & illustration.
Most buildings feature a live action clerk or store person who greets the player with a variety of humorous phrases, complete with lip syncing.
He also utters various humorous phrases whenever he mentions a player's alma mater.
Each episode features a satirical rap, commentary on current events, and humorous phrases as spoken by children.
In his humor books, Barry often cites a humorous phrase or image, which he then mercilessly repeats throughout.
This is a humorous but common phrase.