The video also plays humorous clips that allude to his use of performance-enhancing drugs.
Over the past year, American soldiers, Saddam Hussein and the current Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, have all been the subjects of humorous clips passed from phone to phone.
Park also continues to upload songs and raps, b-boy and dance practice, acrobatics, choreography, news and updates for his fans, and other humorous clips.
Speaking without notes and integrating a crisp PowerPoint presentation with humorous clips from New York film stars, he broke down the contents of New York's bid proposal.
In which viewers send in their humorous clips and in return get £250.
A humorous yet soulful clip of Chris playing the Star-Spangled Banner as an intro to the best-ever version of ...
This humorous clip would be played over and over in blooper reels for years to come.
The inspiration for this song comes from his TV show TV total, where short (often involuntarily) humorous clips from other German TV shows are shown.
On one hand, Iranian-American youth born and raised in America traffic the humorous clips satirizing Iranian culture.
It featured humorous clips from home videos.