Encouraged by friends, he wrote several humorous books during the 1920s and early 1930s.
In 1930 the company published the popular humorous book 1066 and All That.
Bill Evans was an avid reader, in particular philosophy and humorous books.
You'd think it would be easy to write a humorous book about office life, given all the joking that goes on at a job.
He published a number of humorous books, and also painted for many years.
During the 1950s and 1960s, he published over 20 humorous books on golf.
Aston calls it "the most humorous and entertaining book in the Japanese language."
This was the author's twelfth humorous book and his eighteenth overall.
Clarkson has written humorous books about cars and several other subjects.
He has written humorous books on various subjects, including cricket and golf.