In the original production, "much of the play's humor probably derived from the child actors' interpretations of adult roles."
On myNetwork, most episodes included an educational film from the 1940s or 1950s whose humor derives from the outdated advice and presentation.
The humor mostly derived from the family members oblivious belief that they were no different from their neighbors.
Its humor derives from their decision to augment their existing family with two adopted children.
The sketch's humour derives from similarities in word pronunciation, leading to confusion on the part of the store owner (Corbett).
In other cases, the humor derives from an unusual final position.
The humor derives from the deadpan responses of family members to circumstances beyond their control.
The humor derived primarily from the outlaws' unfamiliarity with 20th-century technology, as well as the contrast between their 19th-century mores and those of the 20th century.
The humor and the satire derive not like Clinton with the waffle, but more from the situation itself.
In other cases the humour derives from mixing different styles of speech or opposing them to each other.