Drowning in an ocean of mortification, Whitney lowered herself into the humiliating position.
She clenched her eyes shut and prayed no one would see her in this humiliating position.
He had no answer; it was a humiliating position for an interstellar explorer of Neelix's repute.
He cursed the girls for putting him in this humiliating position.
In this humiliating position, we moved on up the path as the crowd gathered on the edges of it.
It was imperative that he get out of this humiliating position at once.
It was hard to see clearly from this humiliating position, but she could have sworn that he was frowning harshly at her now.
It was a humiliating position, but the fort had been designed for exactly that purpose.
Wilson looked through the window at the sight of his son caught In that humiliating position and gave in.
Then it was that the burgomaster succeeded at last in tearing her away from her humiliating position.