I most humbly apologize and ask your forgiveness.
He had hoped to make her apologize humbly and promise never to use him in a story again.
But Philip could not bear to be angry with him long, and even when convinced that he was in the right, would apologise humbly.
I apologize humbly for my failure to write sooner, but there is little to tell.
Apologize humbly to those who seemed most angry, begging their indulgence, and hope.
But she made him apologize humbly for his scepticism.
I will even humbly apologize for my own lieutenant's impetuosity.
If any words of mine could be interpreted in that fashion, I do most humbly apologize.
Buck found her and seemingly humbly apologized for his behavior.
I apologize humbly," he went on, "for dragging you into affairs that should be private.