In March 2012, Camping admitted that his predictions were in error, stating: "We humbly acknowledge we were wrong about the timing."
"Thank you, my friends," Kirk humbly acknowledged.
Bhima Kavi humbly acknowledges and eulogises his predecessors in a writing full of well-known personalities.
We must humbly acknowledge that there's a great deal of mystery involved, but for those aware of the discussion, I am not advocating open theism.
Humbly acknowledging such facts of history, I once again reflect most deeply and offer apologies from my heart.
It means humbly acknowledging, as Peggy Noonan wrote, that change has to start with oneself.
"Yes, I did," he acknowledged humbly.
"It's a pleasure not many are ever privileged to know," he acknowledges humbly.
And the brains," she acknowledged humbly.
And at every step, Mr. Corzine humbly acknowledges how he benefited from good public schools and cheap tuition at an affordable state university.