You have rendered us many services, oh humble instrument.
'He forgot that man is only the humble instrument of God's will.'
I am but His humble instrument," she added, lowering her eyes modestly.
Who knows but what you may prove the humble instrument to save him.
But it is God's plan now, and we are His humble instruments.
He no longer belongs to you, Abo, nor does he belong any longer to me, who am only the humble instrument of the truth.
I am only a humble instrument, I dare not take this decision alone.
From the beginning, it was a humble instrument, something that ordinary people could play with little training.
It is considered one of the best English Romantic organs in South Africa, albeit a humble instrument in relation to its cathedral counterparts.
"I-I was not aware I spoke, I-oft-times the God speaks through my humble instrument, in his own many tongues."