"What soaring heights your presence imparts to our humble hearts."
Let us, then, bow our heads in hope, and add with a humble heart, "Blessed be the name of the Lord."
This is writing from the heart, humble and eminently understandable.
It's important to approach theatre with a humble heart and an appropriate vocabulary.
It is faith and the obedience of a humble heart that can make a useful servant out of reason.
He will serve his elders with a humble and loyal heart.
To betoken a humble heart, but in truth my heart was vain.
He replies, "Would you have come here with a humble heart if I had not?"
I now will fully understand the Psalm that says a broken spirit, a contrite and humble heart.
Think you, my father, that such treatment as I have met with at your hands of late would breed love in the humblest heart?