Instead of an eye-catching design, there is a humble, clapboard-and-granite building with a double-peaked copper roof.
This relatively humble building was seen as suitably central and close to the Legislative Council building.
He moved into a much smaller, humbler building on the outskirts of the town.
Consider: On East 48th Street stands a humble four-story building.
The humbler buildings of the population are however smaller and simpler in form but basically derived from the nalukettu.
The humble building is a three bay square hall that is 10 meters deep and 11.75 meters across the front.
It was a humble, clean building with a fair enough view of the surrounding city and an attractive courtyard, which Bolan's room overlooked.
Spock had no difficulty picking it out from similar humble buildings, thanks to a clutch of people standing out front.
Take one humble three-story building that has been on Park Avenue since the 19th century.
Nobody more famous than they lives in our humble building, and we would be honored to work out a suitable roofline penthouse.