The epidemics in the ghetto, the endemic diseases from which all humanity suffered, seemed to horrify the Lizards, who gave no signs of being similarly afflicted.
Human history and even recent Holocaust history have shown that humanity suffers from the preponderance of aggression over love.
At this point Satan, his angels, and wicked humanity will suffer annihilation in the Lake of Fire ("the second death", Revelation 20:8).
We further suspect that the effect is cumulative over time, and that humanity as a whole al- ready suffers greatly from it.
If we doona defeat them, humanity will suffer greatly for it.
"Should things go in an opposite direction, destined to give further legitimacy to the legal practice of abortion, humanity would suffer another great failure of rights and justice."
Yet humanity probably suffered from ill health long before the weather ever affected dry cleaning and wardrobe.
He warns that if anyone finds the log, they are to order the colony be nuked, so "humanity doesn't suffer the same fate."
"To the extent that humanity suffers?"
His beleaguered humanity suffered the delights of the temporal world, the pitiless retributions of Hell.