But as the Somalia experience attests, "humanitarian" mandates tend to expand very rapidly, and to prevent another debacle France needs to be held to its word.
These countries have sufficient military resources to handle the humanitarian and protective mandate the U.N. has given them.
We went to Libya with a clear humanitarian mandate and tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of lives have been saved since.
Are you just here to defend New Labour and its disastrous decision to invade a sovereign country without UN authorisation (and with no humanitarian mandate)?
With their own workers at risk and often unable to travel safely, the agencies said: "It is becoming extremely difficult for us to fulfill our humanitarian mandates to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people.
However, Rose's replacement, Rupert Smith, came to the conclusion that UNPROFOR's humanitarian mandate was insufficient.
In 2002, ECHO intends to continue funding operations in line with its humanitarian mandate.
And our mandate in connection with what Echo is doing in the field is a humanitarian mandate.
The Security Council welcomed the intention of UNFICYP to implement its humanitarian mandate.
The organization denied that it had strayed beyond its humanitarian mandate to locate and clear minefields left over from the 1994-96 war in Chechnya.