In a country dedicated to humanitarian goals for all, individual monetary profit has no place.
"What the secretary supports is meeting the humanitarian goals in the best way."
John, who believed his brother to be the better man and rightful heir, decided to balance business needs with humanitarian goals.
If this deal proves real, it will establish that an air war for limited humanitarian goals can be effective, albeit costly.
Applied ecometrics exposes the complexity of making sustainable decisions, especially given other humanitarian goals such as third world economic development.
Anyway, when was the last time you saw an intervention that wasn't about "humanitarian" goals.
He actually seemed to have some humanitarian goals, as well as the pur- suit of wealth.
Many think a higher morality is found in Christ's command to help the needy, prevent war and pursue other humanitarian goals.
But there is still a need to examine whether current policies adequately meet the demand for skilled workers and humanitarian goals like family reunification.
But don't these ambitious humanitarian goals themselves require a form of imperialism not all that different from Britain's at its best?