The P&S Club is well known for its humanitarian aims; most notably the 1917 purchase of a steam launch delivered to Sir William Grenfell, a physician living in Labrador.
While few dispute the humanitarian aim of uniting families, many question whether immigration will actually improve the nation's economy.
Among the Children of God, the judge argued, Flirty Fishing was not understood as prostitution but "as a personal contribution to the humanitarian aims that the sect always claimed to pursue".
The United Nations has sent about 22,500 soldiers from France, Britain, Spain, Turkey, the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Sweden and 11 other countries to Bosnia for "humanitarian" aims.
To further the humanitarian aim of Terrform ONE's directives, their group has held an annual public design and science award that focuses on green urbanity entitled; ONE Prize.
And a short speech from you affirming the basically humanitarian aims of Popeek.
The Edhi Foundation grew as people began to recognize its humanitarian aims.
Madam president, the humanitarian aims expressed at the Oslo conference for a total ban on landmines are in themselves worthy of support.
She described two camps of photographers: those who focus on the aesthetic of a picture, and those who have a political or humanitarian aim.
"What is the relationship between humanitarian and political aims here?"