Khartoum has denied humanitarian access to all but a few.
And aid workers increasingly are finding themselves under attack, so that humanitarian access is now lower than at any time since 2004.
In areas with humanitarian access, expanded programming should be implemented to address current and expected food insecurity.
However, development of new strategies is critical in order to reach affected households in areas with limited humanitarian access.
And it is denying humanitarian access to some 700,000 people who are trapped in Darfur.
Short notice requests for humanitarian access and those made in Egypt are unlikely to be considered.
As of 2007, a region where humanitarian access is a problem is Darfur.
It is patently failing to allow humanitarian access to some three million people in Darfur.
Finally, border crossings have to be open both for humanitarian access and commerce.
Relief groups fear that rising military tension will jeopardise aid efforts in central and southern Somalia, where humanitarian access is already difficult.