He was also the founder of the society of the Romanists, which brought together artists, connoisseurs and humanists who had travelled to Rome and appreciated its humanist culture.
They are painting in the gaps of a 'fuller' life which was defined originally by nineteenth century European humanist culture: work, self-education, rest and occasional play.
He promoted the local humanist culture, and his books were prized for their clean lay-out and accuracy.
Christopher Hill's Milton and the English Revolution challenged the idea of a Milton primarily concerned to participate in an elite humanist culture.
Chen devoted his life to education and creation, and was greatly concerned about the development of humanist culture in Taiwan.
His humanist culture, his profound knowledge and inexhaustible intellectual activity made him deserving of the respect of students and pairs.
His schoolbooks proved Macropedius to be a man of great humanist culture and follower of Erasmus.
World opinion was shocked and revolted by such barbarity in a nation which boasted a centuries-old Christian and humanist culture.
The right to freedom and coexistence is universally recognised by humanist culture and international conventions.
Let us therefore fight together to ensure that this opinion-forming is worthy of our democratic and humanist culture.