All testify that the murder victims were enlightened and loving parents, who shared liberal and humane values which they displayed almost to a fault.
They embody humane values such as freedom and justice and have a good understanding about the workings of human nature and the universe.
The ADC claims to work to promote those democratic and humane values that serve to prevent such harm.
Though a minority position historically, Christian vegetarian authors have connected Biblical texts with vegetarian and humane values.
Imperfect choice is a humane value.
"Along with our progressive and humane values," he said.
The modernizing program was enlightening and would eventually promote humane values, but it was also aggressive.
If Turkey wants to be accepted in the European Union, it must stand up for democratic, humane values in the penal system.
The report reflects humane values with which I strongly sympathise.
And the proposals would do so at a high cost to the traditional and humane values of this immigrant nation.