Until Congress solves the first problem, a humane solution would be to exchange these groups of agents.
Kindly old 408b always goes straight to the humane solution.
At least as difficult was the Jewish problem - was a humane solution possible?
Certainly it was a far more humane solution than any the commander herself would have con- ceived.
No, the most sensible and most humane solution is to put him where he can't do any more harm than he's already done.
That perhaps would be the most humane solution for every one.
"Between the Walls," a live-action film, is about a girl seeking a humane solution to a mouse problem.
Like you, I am seeking the most realistic and the most humane solution.
Humiliating this nation through sanctions will not bring any sort of viable or humane solution.
I rest secure in the knowledge that the Ny-jorders will find the most humane solution.