It grips against the scoop like a human thumb to pick up objects.
In this fossil species, the bone was greatly reduced, no bigger than a human thumb.
Arguably, this definition was chosen to underline what is unique to the human thumb.
Scientists announced the discovery of the smallest known primate, an extinct animal no longer than a human thumb and weighing less than an ounce.
Bertram's on the bridge right now, issuing commands, but there's got to be a human thumb on the control point here as well.
Its polyps are the size of a human thumb and fully extend at night.
Members of the discovery team and other scientists familiar with the research said they were especially surprised by the specimen's size, the length of a human thumb.
The packet contained a map and a human thumb.
The warhead the Geeks were using was probably no bigger than the human thumb.
She also used mummified human thumbs as light switches in her house.