Throughout history, humans have strived to understand and even control weather and climate.
This reflects the tension between the natural tendency for disorder to increase while humans strive to impose order by developing ever more complex rigid structures and systems.
Among sentient creatures, only humans continually strive for what they know is beyond reach.
It is that which humans strive for in terms of personal value with respect to cultural artefacts and ideas.
Beauty is what humans have always strived for.
But humans being more adaptable than monkeys, researchers are striving to reverse the effects of deprivation in the orphans.
When Ishmael asserts that humans must strive to belong to effective and secure communities, Julie asks for concrete examples of how this can be achieved.
Other versions describe some end which humans should strive to attain, only possible if God exists.
From an age when humans, we Westerners, strove to do more than simply survive, in a world abandoned to the Gaijin.
"These are not conditions that humans strive for," Mr. Bradbury wrote.