Your love is barren, for elves and humans can't reproduce.
So trying to explain the adaptiveness of religion means looking for how it might have helped early humans survive and reproduce.
Although vampires feign disgust as to how humans reproduce, they are secretly jealous.
Max still didn't understand that love was just an ingenious trick of nature - a sick delusion to ensure that humans reproduced.
But because humans live long and reproduce slowly, and historically have existed in small numbers, their genomes have not been under competitive pressure to streamline themselves to Swiss-watch efficiency.
They pretend to have disdain for how humans reproduce, but they are secretly envious and jealous to the point of mania.
There is a secondary purpose, or opportunity: both humans and dragons may reproduce (the childbearing of leading women is a theme).
They called themselves (as nearly as humans could reproduce the sound) the thrint; others knew them as Slavers.
In the not-so-distant future is the issue of whether humans can reproduce in the weightlessness of space, some experts say.
The piggies were under the false impression that humans reproduced in a fashion similar to themselves.