The man was human refuse, a shame to his species.
The gross one made its way through the human refuse.
The infamous Medusa was made up of human refuse, men who would kill their brothers in the field if it could save their own lives.
The guards seemed indifferent to the fate of the ragged group of human refuse so long as it kept moving.
Bloodied bodies were heaped and scattered like a truckload of human refuse dumped in the street.
Scavenging has been infrequently documented, including of human refuse.
It often feeds on carrion and human refuse.
He is a piece of human refuse, desperately willing himself into nonexistence.
People who had been used and discarded like so much human refuse, mercilessly, remorselessly, by the very man who was now pleading for their lives.
Though it is crowded and stinking and full of human refuse, remain there, and do not complain.